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Website of the Week- ISGS Honors & Awards!

This week, ISGS invites you to visit our Honors & Awards home page, where you can view past winners and nominate an individual or group for the 2022 Honors & Awards!

Nominations will be reviewed by the Honors and Awards Committee. Awards will be presented at the annual membership meeting during the ISGS Fall Conference in October. Award categories are:

Community Service Award: This award may be given to an individual, company, or institution for service or contributions to genealogy. Nominations may be made by local genealogical or historical societies.

Special Recognition Award: This award may be given to an individual for the promotion of genealogy in general or for having been a major influence toward the success of the nominating organization. Nominations may be made by local societies.

Youth Award: Students are eligible for this award for a genealogical project. Nominations may be made on the suggestion of a teacher, advisor, or local society.

Distinguished Service Award: A national figure may be honored for exceptional contributions or service to genealogy.

Volkel Medal of Honor: This is awarded during even-numbered years to a living person who has contributed generous services toward the field of genealogy in an exemplary way for ten or more years.

CLICK HERE for the Honors & Awards nomination form!

Please email or mail completed forms by July 1. Contact Honors & Awards Chair, Jaymie Middendorf, at with any questions.

© 2022, copyright Illinois State Genealogical Society
