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Showing posts from June, 2023

More Exciting Events and News to Know

See a Rare Copy of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation at the ALPLM through June 30th! The ALPLM is celebrating Juneteenth by placing the Emancipation Proclamation on display in the Library from June 19th-23rd and June 26th-30th. The museum's copy is one of about 2 dozen that still remain, and is signed by President Abraham Lincoln and Secretary of State William Seward. There is NO CHARGE to see the document- don't miss your chance to view this rare and important piece of history! CLICK HERE for more info about the ALPLM! Check out the Fountaindale Library's Genealogy Club Events! Did you know the Fountaindale Library in Bolingbrook has a Genealogy Club that holds monthly meetings and events? Their next Zoom event will be Wednesday, June 28th at 11:00am. Genealogist Suz Bates will present "Downloading and Uploading," to help you learn tips and tricks to transfer digital genealogical data between websites and databases. CLICK HERE for more info and to registe

2023 ISGS Honors & Awards NOW OPEN!

ISGS is now accepting  nominations for the annual Honors and Awards in the categories below. Nominations will be  reviewed by the Honors and Awards Committee and presented at the annual membership meeting in October, prior to the ISGS Fall Conference. This year's Award categories are: ● Community Service Award: This award may be given to an individual, company, or institution for service or contributions to genealogy. Nominations may be made by local genealogical or historical societies. ● Special Recognition Award: This award may be given to an individual for the promotion of genealogy in general or for having been a major influence toward the success of the nominating organization. Nominations may be made by local societies. ● Youth Award: Students are eligible for this award for a genealogical project. Nominations may be made on the suggestion of a teacher, advisor, or local society. ● Distinguished Service Award: A national figure may be honored for exceptional contributions

Upcoming Conferences- Fox Valley and McHenry County!

Registration is OPEN for two upcoming ISGS Associate Member conferences- don't miss these fantastic opportunities to learn, network, and have fun with your family history! McHenry County Illinois Genealogical Society is holding their 2023 Summer Conference on Saturday, July 8th in Crystal Lake. Don't miss renowned speakers Judy G. Russell, Timothy N. Pinnick, Dr. Michael D. Lacopo DVM, and James M. Beidler! Registration closes on July 1st- CLICK HERE for conference info and registration! Registration is now OPEN for the Fox Valley Genealogical Society's 29th annual Fall Conference! This year the conference will be virtual, with pre-recorded and LIVE events happening in September. Don't miss the live keynote with "Extreme Genes" host Scott Fischer, and plenty of tips and tricks from speakers Melissa Barker, LaDonna Garner, Nancy Loe, and Denise May Levenick- plus a live panel discussion with local archivists! CLICK HERE for more info and registration! © 2023

June Genealogy Events!

The St. Clair county Genealogical Society is hosting FREE genealogy classes at the Belleville Public Library! CLICK HERE to learn more about the upcoming classes hosted by Diane Walsh, and the group's research meet-ups! The International German Genealogy Partnership summer conference begins June 9th at the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana! There is still time to register- and the conference offers virtual as well as in-person options- CLICK HERE to visit the IGGP site for more info! The North Suburban Genealogical Society will host their next meeting on Saturday, June 10th at 1:00pm. Dan Niemiec will present, "Cemetery Records." CLICK HERE for more info and to register! CAGGNI will hold their next meeting on Saturday June 17th, at 10:30 am.  Jane Haldeman will present, "National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)- Chicago Branch." This event is in person at the Mount Prospect Library and on Zoom- CLICK HERE for more info at to regist