Join us on Tuesday, December 9 , at 8:00 PM Central, where C. Ann Staley, CG, CGL , will show us how to properly navigate HeritageQuest Online - The Ins and Outs . To attend this webinar, register at . Last week's webinar, Evaluating What You Have Found: The Third Stage of Research , presented by Barbara Renick, is now available to ISGS members in the Members Section of the ISGS website ( ). Upcoming Webinars January 13 – Using Google Earth for Genealogy Presenter: Lisa Louise Cooke Registration: For the complete list of upcoming webinars, visit . And don't forget to spread the word! Forward this email onto your friends and colleagues, post the information to social media sites and/or your blog/website, or print out a few copies of our webinar flyer to hand out at your