Dr. David Joens' presentation from the ISGS 2020 Fall Conference is now available FREE to all! Both members AND non-members are able to enjoy Dr. Joens' highly-rated and super-informative webinar about the Illinois State Archives- don't miss it! Click below to view, or visit the ISGS home page for the link. You'll just need to enter your name and email address first, on the Go To Webinar landing page.
Bookmark this Website- Great find from Past President Laura!
ISGS Past President Laura Kovarik would like to share a terrific website she found for researching your Illinois firefighter ancestors! The Illinois Fire Service Institute maintains a searchable database of firefighters who died in the line of duty. Some entries even include images and audio! The database documents the ultimate sacrifice of more than 800 Illinois firefighters over the past 150 years.
Upcoming Events
Our friends at the Winnebago & Boone Counties Genealogical Society will be hosting their next meeting THIS SATURDAY, featuring Devon Lee from Family History Fanatics! See below for details!The South Plains Genealogy Society in Lubbock, Texas would like to invite ISGS members to their 2021 Caprock Genealogy Conference in April. Their featured speaker will be Billie Stone Fogarty. Registration is now open- See below for more info, or visit their website.
Got Canadian Ancestors? Check out the first ever Canadian Genealogical Virtual Research Institute coming in July! See below for more info. Registration opens soon.
© 2021, copyright Illinois State Genealogical Society