ISGS wishes everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! Here's to finding new family discoveries about your Illinois Ancestors in 2021! Mark your calendars for these upcoming genealogy events in Jauuary! Join the Fox Valley Genealogical Society on Thursday, Jan. 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM for Adam Pratt's webinar, "Best Practices for Organizing Photos." Gathering and scanning family photos is an important step in building a Family Photo Archive, but what’s next? Learn best practices from a professional photo organizer for organizing your photos, following industry standards, to ensure your photos are safe and searchable for generations to come. This talk will also include the use of metadata for organizing photos. Adam Pratt loves people, photography, and a good story! He has experience as a photographer, book author, software trainer, and photo organizer. He’s also the founder of Chaos to Memories where he helps people enjoy their photos again by turning their photo chaos in...
The blog of the Illinois State Genealogical Society (ISGS), a non-profit, educational organization established in October 1968