ISGS is excited that our friends at the Afro-American Genealogical and Historical Society of Chicago will be presenting their 38th Annual VIRTUAL Family History Conference on October 9th and 10th!
Registration is OPEN! AAGHSC members receive a $10 conference registration discount!
This is the first Virtual Family History Conference for AAGHSC, with the theme: "Genealogy 2020: Research— Retool—Reconnect." The two-day conference will be held on October 9 - 10, and includes three lectures daily.
No matter where in the world you may be, you can attend AAGHSC’s 2020 Virtual Family History Conference via GoToWebinar. Learn genealogy research skills from the comfort of your home! Each presentation will also be recorded and available for one week after our conference.
Your registration includes a digital conference syllabus as well as a private social and networking opportunity via Facebook!
Programs include:
- Dr. Shelley Murphy: Genealogy 101: Getting Started Methods & Strategies
- LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, JD, LLM, CG®, CGL(SM): African American Genealogy: Using Probate Records
- Karen Stanbary, LCSW, CG®: Using DNA to Solve Genealogical Problems: Common Mistakes and Ethical Considerations
- André Kearns: Identifying Slaveholding Ancestors Using DNA Testing
- Ari Wilkins: Incorporating Oral History into Your Research
- Shamele Jordon: Off the Beaten Path: Under-used Sources
Learn more and register at! Best of luck to AAGHSC for a successful conference!