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Mark Your Calendars for the 27th Annual Lake County IL Genealogical Society Annual Conference- Saturday October 19th!

Don't miss Lake County's Annual Conference next week, October 19th! This year's theme is "The Web & DNA: Modern Techniques to Complement Traditional Research." Featured presenters will be Tony Burroughs, FUGA, and David Stumpf, MD, Ph.D.

An award winning internationally known genealogist, speaker author, and teacher, Tony Burroughs has appeared as a guest genealogy expert on over twenty-five national and international television broadcasts, including CBS Sunday morning, CBS News, ABC World News Tonight, BET Nightly News, National Public Radio (NPR) and many local broadcasts.

Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Dr. Stumpf combines his medical and genealogical knowledge to specialize in Genetic Genealogy, Adoptee Research, and Medical Genealogy.  He is a genealogy software developer, and writes a genealogy blog.

The Lake County Conference will be held at the University Center of Lake County, 1200 University Center Drive, Grayslake IL 600030. 

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