ISGS Announces Slate of Officers and Directors for 2016-2017 - Notice of Election and Annual Meeting
Illinois State Genealogical Society announces Slate of Officers and Directors for 2016 – 2017. Election will take place at our Annual Meeting.
Slate of Officers and Directors for 2016 – 2017
President: Dawn Carey Henry, Naperville
1st Vice President: Angela Cathey McGhee, Chicago
2nd Vice President: Susan Scoville Pope, Normal
Recording Secretary: Laura Kovarik, Naperville
Treasurer: Christina Bannon, Homer Glenn
2019 Directors:
Jackie Lyell, Marion
Donna Pond Hartwig, Peoria
Jan Conkrite, Dixon
Annual Meeting Agenda
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Minutes of the 24 October 2015 Annual Meeting
IV. Financial Reports
V. Old Business
VI. New Business
a. Elections of Officers and Directors
b. Presentation of Honors and Awards
VII. Announcements
VIII. Adjournment
The Annual Meeting of the Illinois State Genealogical Society will take place on Saturday, September 3, 2106 at the Wyndham Springfield City Centre, Springfield, Illinois immediately following our ISGS sponsored luncheon during the FGS 2016 Conference featuring The Legal Genealogist Judy G. Russell.
Visit for more information on the FGS 2016 Conference. See you in Springfield!