Title: Letters, Ledgers, and Lodge Books: Finding Ancestors with Ethnic Resources
Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 8:00 pm Central
Description: Ethnic resources often contain detailed personal and genealogical information, and yet, they are often overlooked by researchers. Learn how to locate letters, ledgers, lodge records, manuscripts, newspapers, and other ethnic resources. Discover hidden clues to track your ancestors and their friends, associates, and neighbors.
Presenter: Lisa A. Alzo, M.F.A.
Lisa A. Alzo, M.F.A., is a freelance writer, instructor, and internationally recognized lecturer, specializing in Slovak/Eastern European genealogical research, writing your family history, and using the Internet to trace female and immigrant ancestors. She is the author of ten books, including the award-winning Three Slovak Women, and numerous magazine articles. Lisa is a contributing editor for Family Tree Magazine, and teaches online courses for Family Tree University and The National Institute for Genealogical Studies. She is a frequently invited speaker for national conferences and webinars. An avid genealogist for over 25 years, Lisa blogs at The Accidental Genealogist (http://www.theaccidentalgenealogist.com).
Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3470676992813425922
Registration Procedure: There are only 500 available "seats" for each webinar and we have limited the number of registrations for each webinar to 650. Past experience has shown that approximately 30% of those who register don't attend a webinar. Recommendation: login to the webinar EARLY - access begins at 7:30 pm Central. Once the "room" fills up with 500 attendees, others attempting to join will receive a "room full" message.
Recording and Handout Available to ISGS Members: For ISGS members who cannot attend the live webinar on March 8th, a recording of the webinar, along with the handout, will be made available in the Members Section of the ISGS website at http://ilgensoc.org/members.php. If you're not already a member of ISGS, visit Join ISGS! at http://ilgensoc.org/cpage.php?pt=8 for more information.
Spread the Word: Forward this email onto your friends and colleagues, post the information to social media sites and/or your blog/website, or print out a few copies of our webinar flyer to hand out at your local society meetings. The flyer can be accessed at http://bit.ly/isgs2016webinarbrochure.
Make a Contribution: Support the ISGS Webinar program by making a financial contribution, which will help ISGS expand its educational offerings in a virtual manner. To learn why we need your help, or to make a contribution, please visit http://ilgensoc.org/cpage.php?pt=345.
Please direct any questions to the ISGS Education Committee at isgseducation@ilgensoc.org.
The 2016 ISGS Webinar Series is Sponsored by FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org).
© 2016, copyright Illinois State Genealogical Society