On Tuesday, January 8, at 8:00 PM Central, Linda Woodward Geiger, CG, CGL, will present, Beyond the Draft Cards: Additional Selective Service Records. Come learn about the Selective Service process including a discussion of the three distinct registrations and records related to delinquents and deserters. To attend this webinar, register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4690779734341377024.
Last week's webinar, Ready-Set-Plan! Developing a One-Step Research Plan, presented by J. Mark Lowe, is now available to ISGS members in the Members Section of the ISGS website (http://ilgensoc.org/members.php).
Upcoming Webinars
- January 8 – Beyond the Draft Cards: Additional Selective Service Records
Presenter: Linda Woodward Geiger, CG, CGL
Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4690779734341377024
- February 12 – Best Genealogy Present You Can Give Yourself: Citing Your Sources
Presenter: Harold Henderson, CG
Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7953472737629097216
- March 12 – Back to Your Roots: Planning a Successful Heritage Research Trip
Presenter: Lisa Alzo
Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8438226523594802432
And don't forget to spread the word by printing out a few copies of our webinar flyer to hand out at your local society meetings. The flyer can be accessed at http://ilgensoc.org/upload/menu/2013webinarbrochure.pdf.
Please direct any questions to the ISGS Education Committee at isgseducation@ilgensoc.org.