On Tuesday, November 13, at 8 PM Central, George G. Morgan, will present, Sidestep Genealogy, designed to help you identify alternative paths to take in your research and hopefully break down those brick walls. To attend this webinar, register at https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/559302166.
Last week's webinar, Jumping Over Hurdles in German Research, presented by Leslie Albrecht Huber, is now available to ISGS members in the Members Section of the ISGS website (http://ilgensoc.org/members.php).
Upcoming Webinars
- November 13 – Sidestep Genealogy with George G. Morgan
Register at https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/559302166
- December 11 – Ready-Set-Plan! Developing a One-Step Research Planwith J. Mark Lowe, CG
Register at https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/226300078
And don't forget to spread the word by printing out a few copies of our webinar flyer to hand out at your local society meetings. The flyer can be accessed at http://ilgensoc.org/upload/menu/2012webinarbrochure.pdf.
Please direct any questions to the ISGS Education Committee at isgseducation@ilgensoc.org.
© 2012, copyright Illinois State Genealogical Society