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Upcoming Webinars - September 2012

On Tuesday, September 11, at 8 PM Central, Gena Philibert-Ortega, will present, Grandma did What!?: Researching your Famous and Infamous Relatives, which will explore various ways to research your famous or infamous ancestors. To attend this webinar, register at

Last week's webinar, Major Midwestern Archives & Their Records, presented by Paula Stuart-Warren, CGSM, FMGS, FUGA, is now available to ISGS members in the Members Section of the ISGS website (

Upcoming Webinars
For the complete list of upcoming webinars, visit

And don't forget to spread the word by printing out a few copies of our webinar flyer to hand out at your local society meetings. The flyer can be accessed at

Please direct any questions to the ISGS Education Committee at

© 2012, copyright Illinois State Genealogical Society
