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June 2012 Webinar – The War of 1812 – America’s “Forgotten” War

June 18, 2012 marks the bicentennial of the War of 1812. To honor the history of the war and its patriots, Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG, will present The War of 1812 – America's "Forgotten" War for next week's webinar.

Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 8:00 pm Central

Description: The War of 1812 is one of the forgotten wars of the United States, yet records abound for our ancestors who were willing to fight the British once again.

Presenter: Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG

Peggy Clemens Lauritzen, AG has been involved in genealogy and family research since even before she was born. Being born into an older family afforded her the opportunity to be around a generation that loved to tell stories and visit cemeteries. She is accredited in the Southern States, and is a frequent speaker at workshops and jamborees around Ohio. She is a former Family History Center Director, keeping a staff of thirty trained and up to date on current genealogy trends, as well as implementing yearly seminars.


Recordings and Syllabus Also Available

For ISGS members who cannot attend on June 12th, a recording of the webinar, along with the syllabus, will be made available in the Members Section of the ISGS website at If you're not already a member of ISGS, visit Join ISGS! for more information.

© 2012, copyright Illinois State Genealogical Society
