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March 2012 Webinar - Desperately Seeking Susan: Finding Female Ancestors

Join the Illinois State Genealogical Society in celebrating Women's History Month by attending the March webinar, Desperately Seeking Susan: Finding Female Ancestors.

Date: Tuesday, March 13, 2012, 8:00 pm Central

Presenter: Amy Johnson Crow, MLIS, CG

Amy Johnson Crow, MLIS, CG, is a researcher, editor, webmaster, and database developer. She is the Genealogical Content Manager for Amy has also served as a database and website consultant for libraries and societies. She is a former webmaster for the Federation of Genealogical Societies. Amy earned her Master of Library and Information Science degree from Kent State University, where she concentrated on digital libraries and digital preservation.

Description: Changing surnames and scant records -- it's enough to make a genealogist ignore the female half of the family tree. This webinar will explore sources and methodologies to help you find those elusive female ancestors.


Recordings and Syllabus Also Available

For those who can't attend on March 13th, a recording of the webinar, along with the syllabus, will be made available in the Members Section of the ISGS website at If you're not already a member of ISGS, visit Join ISGS! for more information.

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