Title : The US Federal Census: Good, Bad and Ugly for Genealogists Date : Tuesday, December 8, 2015, 8:00 pm Central Description : The US Federal Census has become a staple of genealogical research in the United States. Using the census most effectively, however, requires understanding that there are good, bad, and truly ugly aspects of this record. Most are related to the type, quality or quantity of information recorded, but there are also some major pros and cons of the existence of the record. Recognizing the possible pitfalls and highpoints will allow a researcher to use the record to best advantage. Presenter : Gary M. Smith Gary M. Smith is President, Genealogical Speakers Guild (GSG) and Second Vice President and National Conference Coordinator, International Society of Family History Writers and Editors (ISFHWE). He was a founding member, Great Lakes Chapter, Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), and served as lay librarian at the Westlake (OH) Family Hi...